Thursday, March 29, 2012

Springing forward...

I am relieved that March is behaving like March again. I love living in Vermont. I love each distinct season. So while I was basking in the warmth and sun last week, enjoying my first totally solar hot shower of the year, rejoicing to see the rhubarb and garlic peeking out of the soil, I was also a tad freaked out...(those of you who know me know that I have a neurotic streak a mile long). Three feet of snow in April? Buds falling off of trees? Drought and tornadoes and ticks? Oh my!

So to my great relief, it is 35 degrees and it looks like The 29th of March out there. I am thinking about my is time to plant peas and spinach. I saved seed from last year's peas and will be excited to see if they come up...(of course, I have back up if they don't). I saved seeds from my beans, squash, sunflowers, onions, peppers and tomatillos (as if these prolific volunteers need any help from me to propagate). 

It is a crime to save seeds in some places:

Holy kamoly...against the law to save seeds, an epidemic of farmer suicides in India? I can afford to buy packages of organic seeds at my coop, and seedling starts from my local farmers...but the loop of growing and saving and growing saving, that's the way it is supposed to work. I posted this interview with Vandana Shiva on facebook. But in case you missed it, here it is again:

I guess I'll call High Meadow seed company, and see what their take is on this issue...meanwhile, I plan to plant my garden and share the food and the seeds...screw you Monsanto! 

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