The matzo disaster!
Deciding to ignore my sensitivity to wheat and bite the matzo proved to be a BIG mistake. The Seder was on Friday and I ate about a half a matzo, and two matzo balls with Marti's incredible matzo ball soup. As of Saturday afternoon my hands were covered with an itchy (keep me awake half the night itchy) bumpy, raised, angry rash and this morning my eyes look like I was repeatedly punched in the face by a demented kangaroo...
This is mistake I will not repeat! Talk about the bread of affliction! What was I thinking?
On the bright side, I have concrete proof that I cannot go near the stuff. My wonderful body is telling me "stay away from wheat, it's poison". Okay wonderful body! I hear you! Loud and clear! Can you please make the itching go away now? I get it, no really...I do...